Tuesday, August 5, 2014

she's a verbal slut

so all these years I thought I had quite a decent outlook on the dating world but I have yet to find my guy 'the one' blah blah..i'm starting off this blog with my corny side and quoting Jennifer Garner..."..there are two types of women in this world. Women you shag and leave, and women you shag and snuggle. Regrettably, I'm the shag and snuggle kind.."

..it's not as I choose to be this way but its been a consistent pattern for me..if I am interested in a guy, we date, there is some 'wooing' which usually consists of a few casual dinners, possibly a movie--whatever you have it but it is the 'getting to know each other stage' and when the comfortability sets in then we can take that attraction physical..

BUT seriously I am 27 years old I should be out there screwing the wooing and be doing more of the screwing! There have been countless times after a relationship ends up not working out the 'verbal slut' comes out of me but unfortunately that's all I am is a 'VERBAL' slut. It's all like.. "I'm over dating..I am just going to have fun and have great sex" BUT that shit never happens..damn that is annoying. 

Do you just say screw it? Or stick to your so called 'good girl' ways?